[C++]DWORD xor Encrypt Simple Mode

 // xor byte.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.  
 // © heroich.net 20150227   
 #include "stdafx.h"  
 DWORD XorEncryp (DWORD vals, DWORD key)  
      BYTE * pbyte = (BYTE *) &vals;//misah DWORD ke array byte[]  
      BYTE x[4];   
      //tiap byte di xor  
      for(int i=0;i<4;i++)  
      printf( "x: %X \n" ,x[0]);  
      printf( "x: %X \n" ,x[1]);  
      printf( "x: %X \n" ,x[2]);  
      printf( "x: %X \n" ,x[3]);  
      return (x[0]) | (x[1] << 8) | (x[2] << 16) | (x[3] << 24);//gabung byte array to dword  
 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])  
      DWORD dwValues = 0x0BDFA4;//ofset adr DWORD apa aja  
      DWORD ky= 0xC3;//key apa aja  
      DWORD encrypted = XorEncryp(dwValues ,ky);  
      printf( "Encrypted:%08X \n" ,encrypted);  
      DWORD decrypted = XorEncryp(encrypted,ky);  
      printf( "decrypted:%08X \n" ,decrypted);  
      return 0;  

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